Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Hunger Games: Chapters 5-18

People aren’t kidding when they say the books are way better than the movies. I just finished chapters 5-18 of Suzanne CollinsThe Hunger Games and I never realized how much content the filmmakers of the movie left out! It’s insane!
Like I said in my previous posts and comments about the novel, I see the country of Panem as a symbolism of American society today. More closely, I noticed how there is even a class system involved with the different districts.
The richest districts had tributes that were well fed and had an advantage in the games because they had the energy and most of the food.
The poorer districts had tributes that were undernourished and had the potential to falter during the games, but as Katniss pointed out after she destroyed her rival’s food, she and Rue were at an advantage because the tributes from the wealthier districts wouldn’t know how to cope with their hunger.
Another topic of discussion in class was agriculture. Rue, being from the district that specialized in agriculture, explained to Katniss how she wasn’t allowed to eat the harvest, or a brutal beating would be their punishment.
This reminded me of our discussions on The American Way of Eating and Stuffed and Starved. Rue’s admittance to this reminds me of how District 11 harvests food that it’s own citizens can’t even enjoy and how it relates to how foreign countries in real life are starved from having all their food exported and left nothing.
I found it incredibly ironic how Collins put that in the text and how it related to our discussions on the previous texts we read in class.

Another part in the novel that really moved me was how the citizens of District 11 had sent the bread to Katniss after she had her own funeral for Rue after she was slain in the Games. It reminds me of the stories you hear about people who barely have two pennies to rub together who still find time to help out other people in need.
It makes me happy that even in a world of cruelty, perhaps in a world such as our own, there is still some sort of goodness in people, even though they can barely help themselves.


  1. It is always the little details that the movie makers exclude (sometimes because they have to), that really makes the books shine. However, this is one of those weird series that, personally, I think the movies eventually surpass the books. The first movie was up there, but I agree that the book was better. However, in my opinion, the second movie is better than book.

    Great class connections. And the suffering always take care of those who take care of themselves...that is the message with the Districts.

  2. This book is amazing, and I agree they did leave out some parts in the movie! I also thought about how the districts are divided among a class system.

  3. When I read about District 11 sending bread to Katniss it reminded me that it is possible to make time to help people no matter what. Like volunteering for example, no matter how busy I am, I should be able to find some time to help those who are less fortunate.

  4. I love how many of you are making real-world connections with The Hunger Games. I'd love to talk more about this in class tomorrow!
