Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's Essay Time!

When my mom was hospitalized from a ruptured aneurysm, I had evolved into an entirely different human being. It’s a touchy subject for me, but I like to bring it up because so much of my life has been a domino effect from this one incident that could have been avoided by a change in eating habits. I don’t want to characterize my mother as someone who was intentionally negligent to her eating habits, but I do want to point out that when someone works the way my mom did, they really don’t have time to cook healthy or even live healthy. I want to bring attention to how obsessed our society is with succeeding and having financial stability, how people like my mother worked themselves to the bone and the long term health effects that stemmed from their countless hours of labor. Today, I heard a story on the news about how the middle class is shrinking and less and less Americans actually identify with the middle class. Could this be the reason why people are driven to work so hard and neglect their health? With basic necessities like gasoline not being a happy $1.26 (God, I miss the 90's), people are struggling just getting gas. I know I am, but then again... I drive this...
My homemade spinach and artichoke dip

I also wanted to relate this point to what I watched in Food Inc, specifically to a family who was featured about halfway through the film. Though their healthy eating habits weren’t influenced by their work schedule, but rather their budget.
It was revealed that the father of the family had type II diabetes and the family had to make sacrifices because the medical costs to treat his diabetes takes away half of their income, so the family is torn between eating healthy or providing medical treatment for the father’s type II diabetes.
My family had to make sacrifices to healthy eating due to time constraints and unfortunately as a result, I’m repeating these habits as an undergraduate college student.
I plan to make this essay reflect the experiences I had when my mom was hospitalized as well as relate the relevant information I learned in Food Inc, and relate some information I learned while reading The American Way of Eating.
I’m interested to hear what you all have to say after reading this! 


  1. That sounds like it would be a really interesting essay.

  2. I'm glad you pointed out the issue with our societies obsession with wealth and material objects. It took me coming out here to kalamazoo to learn that there is more to life than money and stuff and I can only hope other people realize this before it's too late.
